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Curio 9 4 5 – Brainstorming And Project Management App

What can Curio do for you?

In Curio, create a project to represent a real-world project that you’re working on. Next fill it with everything related to that project including notes, images, PDF’s, documents, web links, multimedia, and much, much more.

You can place this information anywhere on Curio’s freeform idea spaces. Or use Curio’s integrated mind maps, lists, tables, index cards, albums, pinboards, and Kanban-style stacks to organize your data into powerful collections.

Anything placed into Curio can be associated with meta data such as tags, flags, checkboxes, priorities, ratings, resources, and start/due dates and durations Wolf forms 2 36 – create php web forms free. for easy searching and task management.

And, now in Curio 14, your project can include a daily journal for meetings or class notes, all neatly organized and sorted automatically.

Curio 9.4.7 – Brainstorming and project management app. April 24, 2015 Curio is the premier brainstorming and project-management application designed to promote visual thinking.

The key point is that everything related to your project is stored, managed, and tracked within a single project file using a single, well-integrated application. You’re not juggling a mess of files scattered about your hard disk with a disparate suite of apps.

  • Curio is the premier mind mapping, brainstorming, and project management application designed to promote visual thinking. Using Curio's innovative freeform interface and tools, you can intuitively.
  • Brainstorming, a technique apparently so far, but so useful for a Project Manager. In the life of a project manager, in fact, creative thinking is required every day to solve problems. Steve Jobs himself underlined it with the phrase: “Creativity is nothing more than connecting things”.

We invite you to join the thousands of customers around the world who use Curio for information gathering, brainstorming, and creative exploration.

Available as a traditional license or a low-cost subscription, begin your free, 2-week trial with our Welcome to Curio guided tour, documentation, and sample gallery to learn how you can be more productive with Curio. Download Curio to learn more ›

Brainstorming, a technique apparently so far, but so useful for a Project Manager.

In the life of a project manager, in fact, creative thinking is required every day to solve problems.

Steve Jobs himself underlined it with the phrase: “Creativity is nothing more than connecting things”

In fact, many job descriptions for project managers specify creative thinking as an fundamental skill.

Brainstorming is an excellent way to develop new ideas and creative solutions to problems.

But to get the maximum benefit from this mental exercise it is essential to know how to use it correctly.


That’s why brainstorming is an interesting solution:

  • It is far more productive than traditional troubleshooting methods;
  • It is less structured and helps people find more creative solutions;
  • Helps more to get the agreement between team members on the chosen solution;
  • Offers an open environment that encourages people to contribute;
  • Enhance the different experiences of team members;
  • Help team members to create a stronger bond, both with each other and with the organization.

So let’s see what are the steps to perform efficient brainstorming sessions.

Brainstorming must have a goal

The moderator of the brainstorming meeting should present himself with a specific problem to be solved or a question to be answered; this is how we ensure a productive meeting.

If necessary and if it makes sense, you can provide the team with basic information and basic data a couple of days before the meeting.

The contribution will be concrete, reasonable and applicable only if people know what direction their effort is going.

Prepare the team for brainstorming

Ensure that the meeting environment helps the team to concentrate.

The room should be well illuminated and include all necessary resources or tools, such as a whiteboard, post-it, pens, etc. Quick fire slots.

A very popular solution is also to include some refreshments. This solution is valid both to make the atmosphere more pleasant, and to prevent people from being misled by creating a way to drink machines

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