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Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words

Tired of Typing or copy pasting your address, phone number, account details over and over again? Writing star gives you convenience of typing less but getting long phrases by planning abbreviations of your choice. Get an easy writing assistance tool in the form of a Writing star. How supportive it is! When you have to give the same details to people several times, rather than copy pasting, you. 1,958 1 1 gold badge 18 18 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges 3 You can also do this with a DropDownStyle of DropDownList using these AutoComplete options - it just won't explicitly show the user the keys that they've typed thus far.

  1. Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words Generator
  2. Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words Worksheets
  3. Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words Unscramble

If you spend a lot of time at your computer it probably means you are going to be doing a lot of typing. That will be the case if you use the computer to work, write letters, documents, emails, articles or simply spend time on forums or social networks. Whether you realize it or not, you’ll very likely be typing in the same things like long words or common phrases, names, addresses or email signatures over and over again. That all takes time that could be saved if you shorten the process.

It’s possible to use something like the Clipboard to paste in the same text over and over, but the Windows Clipboard has it’s limit of pasting a single copied item at a time. Users of Microsoft Word will likely know about the Autocorrect function that can take an abbreviation or short string and replace it with another word or short phrase. While that works in Word it doesn’t help when you want to use something similar in other applications or web browsers.

As Windows doesn’t have the ability to expand words or strings into phrases a third party application will be needed. We’ve previously written about how to insert words or phrases with hotkeys, but here we list 5 free tools that can quickly or automatically expand a short typed string into a longer string. All programs were tested in Windows 7 and 10 64-bit.

1. PhraseExpress

PhraseExpress is probably the most feature rich and comprehensive free text replacement tool around today. Depending on your needs it may be exactly what you want or you might prefer to use something smaller and simpler. There’s an add-on system where phrase files can be downloaded and imported, such as sample phrases, special functions, English contractions, autocorrect words, chat acronyms and sample macros. Even Autotext and Autocorrect From Word and emails from Outlook can be imported. PhraseExpress has both portable and setup installer versions.

Adding a phrase can be done a couple of ways, either open the main window and press the Phrase button in the ribbon toolbar, or highlight a phrase in some text and press Ctrl+Alt+C. The second method is simpler and quicker because you only need to supply the abbreviation autotext. The first method is more powerful as the replacement text can include a massive array of content. It includes text formatting, images, URLs, tables, date and time, automation such as create email or run program, text operations, clipboard operations and mouse/keyboard functions.

After typing the autotext shortcut the phrase content can be inserted immediately, after a delimiter such as Enter, Space or Tab is pressed, in a manual confirm popup menu (press Tab to accept), with a predefined hotkey or SmartComplete suggests as you type. PhraseExpress also has a clipboard cache that stores clipboard data allowing you to select it from a menu, and an option to include or exclude individual phrases or whole phrase libraries in specific programs. Memory usage is a touch high at around 30-40MB.

Download PhraseExpress

Tweet cabinet 2 6 – archive public twitter timelines. 2. TyperTask Networker 5 0 8 download free.

TyperTask is from the same developer as the popular TinyTask macro creation tool. It’s a plain no frills program that does the task at hand with a few more interesting features besides. These include entering text snippets via keyboard shortcut, launching programs/websites, creating list menus and emulating keyboard keys/mouse actions. It can do all that from a portable executable of only 56KB and consuming only 1-2MB of RAM in the background.

As it packs several features into a tiny package that does also make TyperTask a touch more difficult to setup. This is because the settings have to be configured manually in a user interface that closely resembles Notepad. Particles 2 4 4 – create professional cocos2d particle emitters. Luckily, creating a simple text expansion is easy. Enter the abbreviation on a new line, add an equals (=), then add the expanded text snippet. For a line break add {enter} into the text. Additional keyboard keys and abbreviations for date and time can also be used.

Go to File > Save and minimize TyperTask to the tray. An informative Readme file is available for the more advanced uses of the program and how best to use text snippets. Go to Help > Help Reference to open it.

Download TyperTask

3. WordExpander

WordExpander is by Bartels Media, the people behind Sharemouse, and advertised as a free alternative to the shareware and quite expensive PhraseExpander. The program is a traditional text replacement tool and not stuffed with features like PhraseExpress, which is good if that’s all you want. There are two modes of operation (called Libraries) in WordExpander, phrase replacement shortcuts or autocorrection.

For a Phrase you supply a shortcut word and then add the snippet or block of text to replace it with. When you type the shortcut a menu will popup with one or more snippets that are configured for that shortcut. Press the default qualifier key Shift to insert the replacement text. Autocorrection is different because it’s meant for auto correcting misspelled words but can also be used for phrases or sentences. Enter the Typo (shortcut phrase) and replace with text in the Correction box. As soon as you enter the typo text and press space it will automatically be replaced.

WordExpander has some downloadable phrase libraries but they’re all medical related for some reason. There is an English autocorrect file which has over 4,100 word corrections. Download it then use the Import Library function to import the text file into the program. WordExpander was a bit erratic on memory usage, averaging anywhere between 20MB and 60MB.

Download WordExpander

4. Texter

Texter was developed by an editor working at Lifehacker and created in the AutoHotKey scripting language. Sadly Texter is not in active development and the last version was from back in 2007. That’s not to say it doesn’t work on newer operating systems because we tested it in Windows 10 and it worked OK. Any found issues or bugs are never going to get fixed though. Both setup installer and portable versions are available, as is the AutoHotKey source code if you want to have a look. Vlc media player 3 0 8 64 bit exe.

After launching Texter and it’s sitting in the tray press Ctrl+Shift+H to open the create hotstring window. Alternatively double click the tray icon and press the plus button. Enter the hotstring into the small box which is the abbreviation text, then enter the replacement text into the large box. A new line here will also insert the text as a new line in the software. The Trigger is how you would like the text to be expanded, either after you press Enter, Tab, Space or instantly after the hotstring has been typed. Press OK when done and test out your new hotstring.

To edit or delete the hotstrings open the management window by double clicking the tray icon or pressing Ctrl+Shift+M. Texter also has a basic scripting mode which can add keystrokes to the text, change the Text drop down to Script to enable that function. More help can be found on the Lifehacker page for the program. Texter uses about 4MB of memory sitting in the tray

Download Texter

5. ProKeys (Google Chrome Extension)

If you only want to use text expanding capabilities within your web browser to fill online forms or forum posts etc, it makes sense to use a browser extension. That way only the browser will be affected and other software on the computer will not, and nothing will be running in the background while the browser is closed. ProKeys is a Chrome extension that can do the job.

The extension works much like the other tools by adding a keyword or phrase and then entering the expanded text to replace it with. Text replacement is not automatic and you press a hotkey after typing the abbreviated word to expand it, the default is Shift+Space but can be changed. ProKeys also has an auto character pair insert option (if you type a left bracket it will add a right bracket and place the cursor in between them) and an exclusion list where specific websites can be added that ProKeys will ignore.

Download ProKeys Chrome Extension

We did look at some other extensions for both Chrome and Firefox, such as Auto Text Expander and Text Complete, but found they didn’t work very well or never worked at all. One issue with using an extension is it will use more memory than the lighter tools listed here. If your system is quite old or its memory is limited it might be better to use something like Texter or TyperTask instead.

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Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words Generator

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Austin13 years ago

It appears that TyperTask is no longer on the vtaskstudio.com web site. It available for download from CNet.com and other download web sites. There is also a Typer Task program on SourceForge.net, but it is not clear if this is the same program.


Thanks for the report, we’ve changed the download link to Softpedia. The tool at Sourceforge is different and never really got off the ground by the look of it.

Austin13 years ago

My attempts to use TyperTask have been somewhat disappointing. It seems to work very nicely, but the help information included with TyperTask says that there is an additional online help file with a complete list “bracket codes” that allow you to use non-alphanumeric keys on the keyboard. TyperTask is handicapped without this additional information.

It appears that all references to TyperTask have been purged from the vTaskStudio,com web site. They have shut down their support forum and they say that they don’t respond to requests for help via E-mail or phone.

If someone has saved a copy of the online help file or the “bracket codes”, it would be a great service to the user community if they could post that information somewhere online. Perhaps someone could find the unknown bracket codes by examining the executable file and looking for ASCII strings that correspond to the known bracket codes.


The help file says the extra bracket codes are contained within the help files of vTask Studio. Those files are still online so you will have to search through and find what you are looking for. The below help page might be of some use.


It’s a shame when a developer completely disowns its own software. TinyTask and WhatChanged are other free tools we have mentioned before that have been erased from their website.

Lee8 years ago

I am an advanced user of this program and I can highly recommend the Pro version for business use. I use it every day and consider it indispensable. To use the advanced features you do need to sit down and read the user manual, but once you do you will be amazed at what it can do and how much time it can save you? Texter is good, but PE offers a whole new level of customization and features that become hard to live without.

Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations WordsReply

thanks ray….its nice to see you post regularly these days…

suja8 years ago

I use Texter -simple and good


Leave a Reply

Table of Contents

  • Function Hotstrings[v1.1.28+]

Introduction and Simple Examples

Although hotstrings are mainly used to expand abbreviations as you type them (auto-replace), they can also be used to launch any scripted action. In this respect, they are similar to hotkeys except that they are typically composed of more than one character (that is, a string).

To define a hotstring, enclose the triggering abbreviation between pairs of colons as in this example:

In the above example, the abbreviation btw will be automatically replaced with 'by the way' whenever you type it (however, by default you must type an ending character after typing btw, such as Space, ., or Enter).

The 'by the way' example above is known as an auto-replace hotstring because the typed text is automatically erased and replaced by the string specified after the second pair of colons. By contrast, a hotstring may also be defined to perform any custom action as in the following examples. Note that the commands must appear beneath the hotstring:

Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words Worksheets

Even though the two examples above are not auto-replace hotstrings, the abbreviation you type is erased by default. This is done via automatic backspacing, which can be disabled via the b0 option.

Ending Characters

Unless the asterisk option is in effect, you must type an ending character after a hotstring's abbreviation to trigger it. Ending characters initially consist of the following: -()[]{}':;'/,.?!`n `t (note that `n is Enter, `t is Tab, and there is a plain space between `n and `t). This set of characters can be changed by editing the following example, which sets the new ending characters for all hotstrings, not just the ones beneath it:

[v1.1.28+]: The ending characters can be changed while the script is running by calling the Hotstring function as demonstrated below:


A hotstring's default behavior can be changed in two possible ways:

  1. The #Hotstring directive, which affects all hotstrings physically beneath that point in the script. The following example puts the C and R options into effect: #Hotstring c r.
  2. Putting options inside a hotstring's first pair of colons. The following example puts the C and * options (case sensitive and 'ending character not required') into effect for a single hotstring: :c*:j@::john@somedomain.com.

The list below describes each option. When specifying more than one option using the methods above, spaces optionally may be included between them.

* (asterisk): An ending character (e.g. Space, ., or Enter) is not required to trigger the hotstring. For example:

Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words Unscramble

The example above would send its replacement the moment you type the @ character. When using the #Hotstring directive, use *0 to turn this option back off.

? (question mark): The hotstring will be triggered even when it is inside another word; that is, when the character typed immediately before it is alphanumeric. For example, if :?:al::airline is a hotstring, typing 'practical ' would produce 'practicairline '. Use ?0 to turn this option back off.

B0 (B followed by a zero): Automatic backspacing is not done to erase the abbreviation you type. Use a plain B to turn backspacing back on after it was previously turned off. A script may also do its own backspacing via {bs 5}, which sends 5 Backspace keystrokes. Similarly, it may send keystrokes via {left 5}. For example, the following hotstring produces '<em></em>' and moves the caret 5 places to the left (so that it's between the tags):

C: Case sensitive: When you type an abbreviation, it must exactly match the case defined in the script. Use C0 to turn case sensitivity back off.

C1: Do not conform to typed case. Use this option to make auto-replace hotstrings case insensitive and prevent them from conforming to the case of the characters you actually type. Case-conforming hotstrings (which are the default) produce their replacement text in all caps if you type the abbreviation in all caps. If you type the first letter in caps, the first letter of the replacement will also be capitalized (if it is a letter). If you type the case in any other way, the replacement is sent exactly as defined. When using the #Hotstring directive, C0 can be used to turn this option back off, which makes hotstrings conform again.

Kn: Key-delay: This rarely-used option sets the delay between keystrokes produced by auto-backspacing or auto-replacement. Specify the new delay for n; for example, specify k10 to have a 10ms delay and k-1 to have no delay. The exact behavior of this option depends on which sending mode is in effect:

  • SI (SendInput): Key-delay is ignored because a delay is not possible in this mode. The exception to this is when SendInput is unavailable, in which case hotstrings revert to SendPlay mode below (which does obey key-delay).
  • SP (SendPlay): A delay of length zero is the default, which for SendPlay is the same as -1 (no delay). In this mode, the delay is actually a PressDuration rather than a delay between keystrokes.
  • SE (SendEvent): A delay of length zero is the default. Zero is recommended for most purposes since it is fast but still cooperates well with other processes (due to internally doing a Sleep 0). Specify k-1 to have no delay at all, which is useful to make auto-replacements faster if your CPU is frequently under heavy load. When set to -1, a script's process-priority becomes an important factor in how fast it can send keystrokes. To raise a script's priority, use Process, Priority, High.

O: Omit the ending character of auto-replace hotstrings when the replacement is produced. This is useful when you want a hotstring to be kept unambiguous by still requiring an ending character, but don't actually want the ending character to be shown on the screen. For example, if :o:ar::aristocrat is a hotstring, typing 'ar' followed by the spacebar will produce 'aristocrat' with no trailing space, which allows you to make the word plural or possessive without having to press Backspace. Use O0 (the letter O followed by a zero) to turn this option back off.

Pn: The priority of the hotstring (e.g. P1). This rarely-used option has no effect on auto-replace hotstrings.

R: Send the replacement text raw; that is, without translating {Enter} to Enter, ^c to Control+C, etc. This option is put into effect automatically for hotstrings that have a continuation section. Use R0 to turn this option back off.

Note:Text mode may be more reliable. The R and T options are mutually exclusive.

SI or SP or SE[v1.0.43+]: Sets the method by which auto-replace hotstrings send their keystrokes. These options are mutually exclusive: only one can be in effect at a time. The following describes each option:

  • SI stands for SendInput, which typically has superior speed and reliability than the other modes. Another benefit is that like SendPlay below, SendInput postpones anything you type during a hotstring's auto-replacement text. This prevents your keystrokes from being interspersed with those of the replacement. When SendInput is unavailable, hotstrings automatically use SendPlay instead.
  • SP stands for SendPlay, which may allow hotstrings to work in a broader variety of games.
  • SE stands for SendEvent, which is the default in versions older than 1.0.43.

If none of the above options are used, the default mode in [v1.0.43] and later is SendInput. However, unlike the SI option, SendEvent is used instead of SendPlay when SendInput is unavailable.

T[v1.1.27+]: Send the replacement text raw, without translating each character to a keystroke. For details, see Text mode. Use T0 or R0 to turn this option back off, or override it with R.

X[v1.1.28+]: Execute. Instead of replacement text, the hotstring accepts a command or expression to execute. For example, :X:~mb::MsgBox would cause a message box to be displayed when the user types '~mb' instead of auto-replacing it with the word 'MsgBox'. This is most useful when defining a large number of hotstrings which call functions, as it would otherwise require three lines per hotstring.

When used with the Hotstring function, the X option causes the Replacement parameter to be interpreted as a label or function name instead of replacement text. However, the X option has this effect only if it is specified each time the function is called.

Z: This rarely-used option resets the hotstring recognizer after each triggering of the hotstring. In other words, the script will begin waiting for an entirely new hotstring, eliminating from consideration anything you previously typed. This can prevent unwanted triggerings of hotstrings. To illustrate, consider the following hotstring:

Since the above lacks the Z option, typing 111 (three consecutive 1's) would trigger the hotstring twice because the middle 1 is the last character of the first triggering but also the first character of the second triggering. By adding the letter Z in front of b0, you would have to type four 1's instead of three to trigger the hotstring twice. Use Z0 to turn this option back off.

Long Replacements

Hotstrings that produce a large amount of replacement text can be made more readable and maintainable by using a continuation section. For example:

See continuation section for how to change these default behaviors. The presence of a continuation section also causes the hotstring to default to raw mode. The only way to override this special default is to specify the r0 option in each hotstring that has a continuation section (e.g. :r0:text1::).

Context-sensitive Hotstrings

The directives #IfWinActive/Exist can be used to make selected hotstrings context sensitive. Such hotstrings send a different replacement, perform a different action, or do nothing at all depending on the type of window that is active or exists. For example:


The following script uses hotstrings to correct about 4700 common English misspellings on-the-fly. Photodesk for instagram 3 1 0. It also includes a Win+H hotkey to make it easy to add more misspellings:

Download: AutoCorrect.ahk (127 KB)

Author: Jim Biancolo and Wikipedia's Lists of Common Misspellings


Variable references such as %MyVar% are not currently supported within the replacement text. To work around this, don't make such hotstrings auto-replace. Instead, use the SendInput command beneath the abbreviation, followed by a line containing only the word Return.

To send an extra space or tab after a replacement, include the space or tab at the end of the replacement but make the last character an accent/backtick (`). For example:

By default, any click of the left or right mouse button will reset the hotstring recognizer. In other words, the script will begin waiting for an entirely new hotstring, eliminating from consideration anything you previously typed (if this is undesirable, specify the line #Hotstring NoMouse anywhere in the script). This 'reset upon mouse click' behavior is the default because each click typically moves the text insertion point (caret) or sets keyboard focus to a new control/field. In such cases, it is usually desirable to: 1) fire a hotstring even if it lacks the question mark option; 2) prevent a firing when something you type after clicking the mouse accidentally forms a valid abbreviation with what you typed before.

The hotstring recognizer checks the active window each time a character is typed, and resets if a different window is active than before. If the active window changes but reverts before any characters are typed, the change is not detected (but the hotstring recognizer may be reset for some other reason). The hotstring recognizer can also be reset by calling Hotstring('Reset').

The built-in variable A_EndChar contains the ending character that you typed to trigger the most recent non-auto-replace hotstring. If no ending character was required (due to the * option), it will be blank. A_EndChar is useful when making hotstrings that use the Send command or whose behavior should vary depending on which ending character you typed. To send the ending character itself, use SendRaw %A_EndChar% (SendRaw is used because characters such as !{} would not be sent correctly by the normal Send command).

Although commas, percent signs, and single-colons within hotstring definitions do not need to be escaped, backticks and those semicolons having a space or tab to their left require it. See escape sequences for a complete list.

Although the Send command's special characters such as {Enter} are supported in auto-replacement text (unless the raw option is used), the hotstring abbreviations themselves do not use this. Instead, specify `n for the Enter key and `t (or a literal tab) for Tab (see escape sequences for a complete list). For example, the hotstring :*:ab`t:: would be triggered when you type 'ab' followed by a tab.

Spaces and tabs are treated literally within hotstring definitions. For example, the following would produce two different results: ::btw::by the way and ::btw:: by the way.

Each hotstring abbreviation can be no more than 40 characters long. The program will warn you if this length is exceeded. By contrast, the length of hotstring's replacement text is limited to about 5000 characters when the sending mode is at its default of SendInput. That limit can be increased to 16,383 characters by switching to one of the other sending modes. Furthermore, an unlimited amount of text can be sent by using SendPlay %MyVariable% in the body of the hotstring.

The order in which hotstrings are defined determines their precedence with respect to each other. In other words, if more than one hotstring matches something you type, only the one listed first in the script will take effect. Related topic: context-sensitive hotstrings.

Any backspacing you do is taken into account for the purpose of detecting hotstrings. However, the use of , , , , PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End to navigate within an editor will cause the hotstring recognition process to reset. In other words, it will begin waiting for an entirely new hotstring.

A hotstring may be typed even when the active window is ignoring your keystrokes. In other words, the hotstring will still fire even though the triggering abbreviation is never visible. In addition, you may still press the Backspace key to undo the most recently typed keystroke (even though you can't see the effect).

It is possible to Gosub or Goto a hotstring label by including its first pair of colons (including any option symbols) in front of its name. For example: Gosub ::xyz. However, jumping to a single-line (auto-replace) hotstring will do nothing other than execute a return.

Although hotstrings are not monitored and will not be triggered during the course of an invisible Input command, visible Inputs are capable of triggering them.

By default, hotstrings are never triggered by keystrokes produced by any AutoHotkey script. This avoids the possibility of an infinite loop where hotstrings trigger each other over and over. In [v1.1.06] and later, this behaviour can be controlled with #InputLevel and SendLevel. However, auto-replace hotstrings always use send level 0 and therefore never trigger hook hotkeys or hotstrings.

[v1.1.28+]: Hotstrings can be created dynamically by means of the Hotstring function, which can also modify, disable, or enable the script's existing hotstrings individually.

The Input command is more flexible than hotstrings for certain purposes. For example, it allows your keystrokes to be invisible in the active window (such as a game). It also supports non-character ending keys such as Escape.

The keyboard hook is automatically used by any script that contains hotstrings.

Hotstrings behave identically to hotkeys in the following ways:

  • They are affected by the Suspend command.
  • They obey #MaxThreads and #MaxThreadsPerHotkey (but not #MaxThreadsBuffer).
  • Scripts containing hotstrings are automatically persistent.
  • Non-auto-replace hotstrings will create a new thread when launched. In addition, they will update the built-in hotkey variables such as A_ThisHotkey.

Known limitation: On some systems in Java applications, hotstrings might interfere with the user's ability to type diacritical letters (via dead keys). To work around this, Suspend can be turned on temporarily (which disables all hotstrings).

Function Hotstrings [v1.1.28+]

One or more hotstrings can be assigned a function by simply defining it immediately after the hotstring label, as in this example:

For additional details, see Function Hotkeys.

The Hotstring function can also be used to assign a function or function object to a hotstring.

Hotstring Helper

Andreas Borutta suggested the following script, which might be useful if you are a heavy user of hotstrings. By pressing Win+H (or another hotkey of your choice), the currently selected text can be turned into a hotstring. For example, if you have 'by the way' selected in a word processor, pressing Win+H will prompt you for its abbreviation (e.g. btw) and then add the new hotstring to the script. It will then reload the script to activate the hotstring.

Note: The Hotstring function can be used to create new hotstrings without reloading. Take a look at the first example in the example section of the function's page to see how this could be done.

Rocket Typist 1 3 1 – Expand Typed Abbreviations Words
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